

Unlike high-level languages such as Java and C++, assembly language is much closer to the machine code that actually runs computers; it's used to create programs or modules that are very fast and efficient, as well as in hacking exploits and reverse engineering Covering assembly language in the Pentium microprocessor environment, this code-intensive guide shows programmers how to create stand-alone assembly language programs as well as how to incorporate assembly language libraries or routines into existing high-level applications Demonstrates how to manipulate data, incorporate advanced functions and libraries, and maximize application performance Examples use C as a high-level language, Linux as the development environment, and GNU tools for assembling, compiling, linking, and debugging

Richard Blum 毕业于美国普度大学电气工程专业,在美国一家政府组织工作了15年以上。在此期间,他使用过各种编程语言(C、C++、Java和Microsoft VB .NET以及C#)编写实用程序,因此他发现一个非常有价值的事实:通过研究编译器生成的汇编语言代码及使用汇编语言例程,可明显提高高级语言程序的执行速度。《Professional Assembly Language》正是他多年实践与研究的成果。



  • 豆友67935223
    根据我浅浅的经验,对于带着大眼镜灰白胡子大胖子大叔写的书基本都可以放心去读。上段时间读完colyli的slides后觉得自己必须去学习AT&T的汇编了。我觉得这书四级英文水平也可以很顺畅的读下去。因为这本书,我去翻了Intel CPU的开发者文档,仔细研读了Microblaze软核的文档,学到太多。当年学汇编的时候咋不学这本书呢?读完对于kernel的理解也加深了。04-18
  • crackcell
  • xiaohanyu
    罕见的采用GNU toolchains来讲述AT&T语法的汇编书籍,大赞,CSAPP的前置书。03-11
  • ABCD
    与 Programming From The Ground Up 比较,比较详细的讲解了整数、浮点书、字符串、以及 SIMD 运算,两本书结合起来看更好04-30
  • 阳广林
    12/5: 高铁上还看了一两章...由浅入深,通俗易懂,讲的也很透彻,英文版的也挺好懂的, nice08-14

