
If you are currently struggling with getting traffic to your website, or converting that traffic when it shows up, you may think you've got a traffic or conversion problem. In Russell Brunson's experience, after working with thousands of businesses, he has found that's rarely the case. Low traffic and weak conversion numbers are just symptoms of a much greater problem, a problem that's a little harder to see (that's the bad news), but a lot easier to fix (that's the good news). DotComSecrets will give you the marketing funnels and the sales scripts you need to be able to turn on a flood of new leads into your business.



  • Polina
    三天时间, 断断续续已读完, 对流量有了更多的认识. 把流量分为hot, warm, cold, 不同流量温度不同对待, cold流量需要pre-frame来预热转变为warm后, 才能提高转化率. 这个观点对我来说很新鲜, 值得再多读几遍.06-10
  • Jesse

