

For the last two centuries, Western philosophy has developed in the shadow of Hegel, whose influence each new thinker tries in vain to escape: whether in the name of the pre-rational Will, the social process of production, or the contingency of individual existence. Hegel's absolute idealism has become the bogeyman of philosophy, obscuring the fact that he is the dominant philosopher of the epochal historical transition to modernity; a period with which our own time shares startling similarities. Today, as global capitalism comes apart at the seams, we are entering a new transition. In "Less Than Nothing", the pinnacle publication of a distinguished career, Slavoj Zizek argues that it is imperative that we not simply return to Hegel but that we repeat and exceed his triumphs, overcoming his limitations by being even more Hegelian than the master himself. Such an approach not only enables Zizek to diagnose our present condition, but also to engage in a critical dialogue with the key strands of contemporary thought - Heidegger, Badiou, speculative realism, quantum physics and cognitive sciences. Modernity will begin and end with Hegel.



  • merleau
    三点:1, this is the Ultimate Zizek: everything about Zizek and Zizek about everything 2,那些仅仅看过通俗版齐泽克(电影、youtube、政论)的人,在做出幼稚评价前应该有勇气看完这一千页 3,如果有人因此就准备从第一页开始,逐字逐句地精读这本书,那他比上一种人还蠢11-11
  • 未明子
  • S/Z
  • 徒然
  • right choice

