
Susan Naquin is Professor of History at the University of Pennsylvania.
Chün-fang Yü is Associate Professor of Religion at Rutgers University.


Until now, China has been scarcely represented in the burgeoning comparative literature on pilgrimage. This volume remedies that omission, discussing the interaction between pilgrims and sacred sites from the tenth century to the present. From the perspectives of literature, art, history, religion, politics, and anthropology, the essays focus on China's most famous pilgrimage mountains as well as lesser known sites.

Susan Naquin is Professor of History at the University of Pennsylvania.

Chün-fang Yü is Associate Professor of Religion at Rutgers University.



  • 南池子
    韩书瑞、于君方等合编【Reading the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall in Peking:The Tribulations of the Implied Pilgrim——略纪念碑性和洪长泰.....】03-30
  • 朱颐钊
    除了最末一篇讲承天门纪念堂外,其余各篇聚焦在近世尤其是明代的宗教名山如泰山、武当山、五台山、普陀山以至于黄山、妙峰山的觐见活动。在家的信众以至于一般文化人士热衷于此(而非像前代仅有虔诚的宗教徒),大概也是某种early modernity的体现吧。01-13

