
Avni Doshi was born in New Jersey in 1982 and is currently based in Dubai. She won the Tibor Jones South Asia Prize in 2013 and a Charles Pick Fellowship at the University of East Anglia in 2014. Her debut novel is published in India by Fourth Estate under the title Girl in White Cotton.


In her youth, Tara was wild. She abandoned her loveless marriage to join an ashram, endured a brief stint as a beggar (mostly to spite her affluent parents), and spent years chasing after a dishevelled, homeless 'artist' - all with her young child in tow. Now she is forgetting things, mixing up her maid's wages and leaving the gas on all night, and her grown-up daughter is faced with the task of caring for a woman who never cared for her.

This is a love story and a story about betrayal. But not between lovers - between mother and daughter. Sharp as a blade and laced with caustic wit, Burnt Sugar unpicks the slippery cords of memory and myth that bind two women together, and hold them apart.

Avni Doshi was born in New Jersey in 1982 and is currently based in Dubai. She won the Tibor Jones South Asia Prize in 2013 and a Charles Pick Fellowship at the University of East Anglia in 2014. Her debut novel is published in India by Fourth Estate under the title Girl in White Cotton.



  • 浅浅
  • 別有用心美少女
    閱讀過程不愉快哈哈the story too true to imagination at reality.I always fascinated by mother-daughter relationship & insane Asian familyship(Lucky me,family always loving each)(that not show off)The mother was pleased by her own abnormal even abit unsettled with it.Something at Doshi unconscious may have come up that knew who going to experience of times?06-04
  • 猫帆
    这是一场母女关系的自诉,女主的悲伤和痛苦在字句里优美的描写。原生家庭所带来的悲伤贯穿着整本书。文字优美,深刻,但是故事情节有些单调 03-19
  • Wendy X.

