

Ben's story takes place in 1977 and is told in words. Rose's story in 1927 is told entirely in pictures. Ever since his mother died, Ben feels lost. At home with her father, Rose feels alone. When Ben finds a mysterious clue hidden in his mother's room, and when a tempting opportunity presents itself to Rose, both children risk everything to find what's missing. Rich, complex, affecting and beautiful, "Wonderstruck" is a staggering achievement from a uniquely gifted artist.

布莱恩·塞兹尼克 (Brian Selznick) 著名画家,塞兹尼克 曾荣获2002年美国凯迪克银牌奖,并以《造梦的雨果》摘取2008年凯迪克金奖和有出版奥斯卡美誉的2007年美国鹅毛笔奖。布莱恩与电影渊源已久,《Wonderstruck》受到法国导演雷内·克莱尔电影《巴黎屋檐下》(1930)影响;他的表兄大卫·塞尔兹尼克曾为好莱坞著名制片人,重要作品有《金刚》、《乱世佳人》等。他常为在影院看见自己姓氏出现于影片首尾而自豪。



  • 别的熊
    1977年,Ben站在自然历史博物馆里一颗陨石前。他想,如果陨石就是流星,那么在坠落地球后我们还能对着它许愿吗?时间回到1927年。听障女孩Rose在纸条上写下自己的愿望,小心翼翼地放在了陨石表面的褶皱里。“I wish I belonged somewhere.” 最后的致谢也值得一读,很少人会意识到在1927年电影视听技术革新前,听障人士和普通人是可以一同在影院观看影片的;也很少人意识到聋哑人家庭养育一个健康的小孩(或相反)会面临的种种问题。书里还有些地方会想起all the light we cannot see里的Marie-Laure, 那是伤心往事了。05-28
  • 塔拉Tala
    The world was full of wonders.10-27
  • 超级超级好看!!!而且纸质书质感真的太好了09-09
  • Issac
    I was marvelled at how the two storylines were merged in the end. Also amazed by the wonders brought by museums.Looking forward to my new life in UK and the experiences shared by my boys and me in the British museums.06-18
  • mdm
    The Invention of Hugo Cabret 作者的新作,mm 推荐我读的,又一本图文并茂的一点点被带进悬念的书。一个刚刚走进无声世界的孤儿的寻寻觅觅,吸引着我一口气读完故事然后又从书后序跟踪作者写作的过程,再回过头一篇篇细瞧那些 sketches,确实如 mm 所说,"一本好书"。05-01

