Ben's story takes place in 1977 and is told in words. Rose's story in 1927 is told entirely in pictures. Ever since his mother died, Ben feels lost. At home with her father, Rose feels alone. When Ben finds a mysterious clue hidden in his mother's room, and when a tempting opportunity presents itself to Rose, both children risk everything to find what's missing. Rich, complex, affecting and beautiful, "Wonderstruck" is a staggering achievement from a uniquely gifted artist.
布莱恩·塞兹尼克 (Brian Selznick) 著名画家,塞兹尼克 曾荣获2002年美国凯迪克银牌奖,并以《造梦的雨果》摘取2008年凯迪克金奖和有出版奥斯卡美誉的2007年美国鹅毛笔奖。布莱恩与电影渊源已久,《Wonderstruck》受到法国导演雷内·克莱尔电影《巴黎屋檐下》(1930)影响;他的表兄大卫·塞尔兹尼克曾为好莱坞著名制片人,重要作品有《金刚》、《乱世佳人》等。他常为在影院看见自己姓氏出现于影片首尾而自豪。