
Matthew Dicks is a bestselling novelist, thirty-six-time Moth StorySLAM champion, and five-time GrandSLAM champion. In addition to his widespread teaching, writing, and performing, he cofounded (with his wife) Speak Up, which produces sold-out storytelling performances throughout Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New York at least once a month. He lives in Newington, Connecticut.


A five-time Moth GrandSLAM winner and bestselling novelist shows how to tell a great story — and why doing so matters.

Whether we realize it or not, we are always telling stories. On a first date or job interview, at a sales presentation or therapy appointment, with family or friends, we are constantly narrating events and interpreting emotions and actions. In this compelling book, storyteller extraordinaire Matthew Dicks presents wonderfully straightforward and engaging tips and techniques for constructing, telling, and polishing stories that will hold the attention of your audience (no matter how big or small). He shows that anyone can learn to be an appealing storyteller, that everyone has something “storyworthy” to express, and, perhaps most important, that the act of creating and telling a tale is a powerful way of understanding and enhancing your own life.

Matthew Dicks is a bestselling novelist, thirty-six-time Moth StorySLAM champion, and five-time GrandSLAM champion. In addition to his widespread teaching, writing, and performing, he cofounded (with his wife) Speak Up, which produces sold-out storytelling performances throughout Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New York at least once a month. He lives in Newington, Connecticut....



  • 王大丽
    这节奏,这啰嗦,真的能拿奖?书里引用的所有的stories都有一种流畅而平庸的感觉,Matt让听众有沉浸感的能力是不错的,但问题是沉浸进他的故事构架的世界里却发现它浅显而平庸。看到最后终于明白为啥,因为Matt太过cling to和大多数听众共通的情感点了,但如果所有人都只讲stories with universal emotions,那我们就不会有任何一个关于女性的故事,也不会有任何一个关于minority的故事……实在..一般09-20
  • 好吃姐姐
    非常真挚 又充满实用的工具 homework for life 做了两个月了 对我来说比感恩日志好用03-03
  • 万叶都像上釉
    开始做homework for life01-20
  • 送走两个日落
  • maggie_xmj

