
The volume, the only-up-to-date anthology devoted solely to the topic of moral relativism, includes nineteen contemporary selections. These selections are nontechnical and thus accessible to a wide range of readers, including college undergraduates (at all levels) from various disciplines. The selections fall under fice main headings: (I) General Issues Concerning Moral Relativism; (II) Relativism and Moral Diversity; (III) The Coherence of Moral Relativism; (IV) Defense and Criticism of Moral Relativism; and (V) Relativism, Realism, and Rationality. Given the philosophical prominence and importance of its subject matter, Moral Relativism can serve as a required text for a wide range of undergraduate and graduate university courses on ethics and ethical theory (including introductory courses). To enhance its pedagogical and research value, the book has a substantial general introduction (which includes summaries of each of the nineteen entries), and a topoical bibliography on moral relativism.

作者:(英)史蒂文·卢克斯 译者:陈锐

史蒂文·卢克斯 (steven Lukes),现为纽约大学社会学教授与英国国家学院院士,曾任教于贝列尔学院、佛罗伦萨的欧洲大学学院,锡耶纳大学与伦敦经济学院。其主要著作包括:《埃米尔·涂尔干:著作与生平》、《个人主义》、《马克思主义与现代性》、《自由主义者与食人族:差异的诸种隐喻》和《启蒙教授漫游记:观念的喜剧》等。



  • sonatanegra
    Great anthology. 感觉最后真正coherent的position只有两种可能性:1)moral relativism太自己打脸,只能absolutism;2)彻底否认moral这个概念05-07

