
Take a jaw-dropping interactive top-to-toe tour of your body with this compact guide. It features amazing 3D images that reveal all your major systems in molecular detail. It helps you: discover how the nervous system works, the intricate construction of skeleton and muscles, and how your body protects itself when you are under threat; put yourself under the microscope and learn about the bodies processes, from a nerve impulse to blood surging through an artery; and, journey inside and examine what can go wrong with the human machine - explore the causes and symptoms for diseases and ailments. It offers an unmissable in-your-body adventure, perfect for students, families and health professionals.



  • 很棒的人体结构科普书,还会提到一些相关疾病。 图很多,很形象。08-19
  • 迪斯科航员
  • 老留行路
    非常清晰的科普书 值得一看03-07

