
An esteemed old-school restaurant critic loves to kill the men she sleeps with. And eat them. (We’re talking about a pair of braised butt cheeks—”roast rump”—here and a skinned tongue there, not like the whole bod. She also cooks them straight-up gourmet: A lover’s liver is turned into pâté and spread on Tuscan toast.)



  • 旺沅
    开头几章真的高潮迭起,气氛渲染得危险又性感,三分之一into the book左右开始拉垮,主人公用差不多的语气回忆这些年杀过吃过的男人实在是太流水账了……看过两个就真的不想看第三个和第四个。关于Marco的部分最精彩立体。最后没剩几页了偏偏要安排一个Alex进来证明女主人公是真的爱过的…有必要吗?有意思吗?太鸡肋了。01-18
  • 小毛巾
    mommy杀男人就好像树上的果子熟了要摘一样干净利落 最后居然有点温情向12-26
  • cEmeteRydriVe
    Do we really have to set the gender boundaries? In this case, yes. The buttocks and the tongues don’t fall into any stereotype, but when you see a six feet tall woman eats a man out, that clearly asserts something. A food critic, a gluttonous beast, an inspiring rebel. 03-18
  • Iris.
    I support female psychopathic serial killer who eats men and makes no excuse for killing.06-01
  • juju
    The flowery language together with its decadent ambiance and the mode of storytelling instantly reminds me of ‘my year of rest and relaxation’. 05-29

