
"Five Faces of Modernity" is a series of semantic and cultural biographies of words that have taken on special significance in the last century and a half or so: "modernity," "avant-garde," "decadence," "kitsch," and "postmodernism." The concept of modernity--the notion that we, the living, are different and somehow superior to our predecessors and that our civilization is likely to be succeeded by one even superior to ours--is a relatively recent Western invention and one whose time may already have passed, if we believe its postmodern challengers. Calinescu documents the rise of cultural modernity and, in tracing the shifting senses of the five terms under scrutiny, illustrates the intricate value judgments, conflicting orientations, and intellectual paradoxes to which it has given rise.

"Five Faces of Modernity" attempts to do for the foundations of the modernist critical lexicon what earlier terminological studies have done for such complex categories as "classicism," "baroque," "romanticism," "realism," or "symbolism" and thereby fill a gap in literary scholarship. On another, more ambitious level, Calinescu deals at length with the larger issues, dilemmas, ideological tensions, and perplexities brought about by the assertion of modernity.





  • KryseScalpel
  • s
    more factual than Benjamin, more readable than Nietzsche02-15
  • 咽子
    a very easy read. His analysis on revolutionary politics and Utopia is esp. relevant to regard the modernity in China. 11-04
  • Penumbra
    大四读过开头的一部分,如今把Avant-Garde那一章补上,以欧陆为主要视点,最多延伸到了英伦三岛,跨越了大西洋,但却给如今的international/global avant-garde的研究提供了很多方向和资料,这也提示了这个课题做比较研究的价值所在吧!目前对我有用的线头,是去看Asian avant-garde和utopian socialism, existentialism, romanticism, socialist realism之间的种种联系——把思想史的脉络理出来。但对post-war avant-garde的草草收尾不太满意,和old avant-garde的关系写得粗糙了些,war metaphor和之前法国大革命联系在一起,但为啥没怎么说20世纪的大战06-02
  • SnapeFleur

