
Stephen Hawking was the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge for thirty years. He is the author of several books, including the worldwide publishing phenomenon A Brief History of Time, A Briefer History of Time (written with Leonard Mlodinow), The Universe in a Nutshell, The Illustrated A Brief History of Time, and the essay collection Black Holes and Baby Universes.


My Brief History recounts Stephen Hawking’s improbable journey, from his postwar London boyhood to his years of international acclaim and celebrity. Lavishly illustrated with rarely seen photographs, this concise, witty, and candid account introduces readers to a Hawking rarely glimpsed in previous books: the inquisitive schoolboy whose classmates nicknamed him Einstein; the jokester who once placed a bet with a colleague over the existence of a particular black hole; and the young husband and father struggling to gain a foothold in the world of physics and cosmology.



  • 海若
    20180331阅毕,最近刚读过《The Theory of Everything》,听闻作者去世,又之前看过微博卢昌海提到这本传记,遂断断续续读之。书不厚,轻松读完,内容前半部分主要讲从小到大学的求学经历,轻描淡写。后半部分讲了自己的主要贡献,非有相对论背景细节可跳过。中间顺带讲了自己的两段婚姻(两个女人给他的帮助都很大),穿插对个人的身体状况评价。有一些有趣的八卦,比如向伽利略道歉才愿意前往梵蒂冈领奖,和吉普索恩等人的赌约,狄拉克对他颁奖的帮助,盖尔曼与费曼之间的故事,其中对时间机器避免炒作或军事注意的处理或戏谑,可以对比学术界国内外对各种新概念的炒作、哗众取宠博眼球申经费。03-31
  • ichbinluz
  • clover
    除了深陷轮椅外, 霍金真的是个非常典型非常典型的英国人10-05
  • Nightwing
    一天的阅读来怀念。一堆电子书里翻出这本,真是很简洁,却各方面都涉及到了。还是不太能接受这是个有血肉之躯、有生命尽头的凡人,可能是因为和他紧紧联系的东西太浩繁辽远了。What made the universe made you.03-19
  • 林攸行

