
Nassim Nicholas Taleb has devoted his life to immersing himself in problems of luck, uncertainty, probability, and knowledge, and he has led three high-profile careers around his ideas, as a man of letters, as a businessman-trader, and as a university professor. Although he spends most of his time as a flâneur, meditating in cafés across the planet, he is currently Distinguished Professor of Risk Engineering at New York University’s Polytechnic Institute. His work has been published in thirty-three languages.




生活中,随机性随处可见,在资本市场也是一样。人们总是以自己有限的生活经验和不堪一击的信念来解释不可预测的事件;即便是精于算计的专业人士,也难保不被随机性愚弄,其实我们应该做的是顺应这种不可知的未来。《The Black Swan》会教你改变自己的思维方式,把握黑天鹅带来的机会,采取应对策略,从中受益。这《The Black Swan》将改变我们对世界、人性和金钱的看法。

Nassim Nicholas Taleb has devoted his life to immersing himself in problems of luck, uncertainty, probability, and knowledge, and he has led three high-profile careers around his ideas, as a man of letters, as a businessman-trader, and as a university professor. Although he spends most of his time as a flâneur, meditating in cafés across the planet, he is currently Distinguishe...



  • 一个漫游癖
    我赞成作者提出的概念,但是这本书的中心内容最多有十页,剩下的就是颠来倒去一点都不inspiring地反复阐述一个观点,很多例子不靠谱,很多例子对学过一点心理学或者行为金融都是再基本不过的概念。作者还花了大量篇幅自证牛b,并bs这个bs那个。用粗俗一点的比喻就是,作者说其实有一个shit一直粘着我们,你们以为是gem的东西其实是shit,我很早就发现了这shit,所以很好地live with it了,然后他如祥林嫂一般不停述说为何这是shit,用了300页,最后用了两页纸,毫无建设性地提了提他如何live with shit。读完之后最大的感受是,tmd终于读完了,终于可以骂人了。10-08
  • 梅文女王殿下
    2008.6.18 看了几章觉得整本书都是bullshit. 2009.12.12 重新看完。废话很多,且尖酸刻薄。他的想法其实很简单,我也是基本同意他的观点的。但是看完以后也不会跟别人推荐此书。实在是旁门左道愤青之极。12-12
  • Stefason
  • Lin
    Thanks for telling us that we live in a non-perfect and inhomogeneous world. I look forward to something original and concise in your next book. 12-01
  • 潘驴邓小仁波切
    My whole life depends on the fragility of a fucking swan.03-20

