
Jeremy Clarkson began his writing career on the Rotherham Advertiser. Since then he has written for the Sun, the Sunday Times, the Rochdale Observer, the Wolverhampton Express & Star, all of the Associated Kent Newspapers and Lincolnshire Life. He was, for many years, the tallest person on television. He now lives on Diddly Squat Farm in Oxfordshire where he is learning to become a farmer.


Welcome back to Clarkson's Farm.

At the end of Jeremy's first year in the tractor's driving seat, Diddly Squat farm rewarded him with a profit of just £144. So, while he's the first to admit that he's still only a 'trainee farmer'*, there is clearly still work to be done.

Because while he's mastered the art of moaning about nearly everything, some of the other attributes required of a successful farmer prove more of a challenge. Who knew, for instance, that loading a grain trailer was more demanding than flying an Apache gunship? That cows were more dangerous than motor-racing? Or that it would have been easier to get planning permission build a nuclear power station than to turn an old barn into a farm restaurant?

But if the council planning department and the local red trouser brigade seem determine to frustrate his schemes at every turn, at least he's got Lisa, Kaleb, Cheerful Charlie and Gerald, his dry-stone-walling Head of Security to see him through. And cold beer brewed with spring barley harvested from Diddly Squat's own fields ...

Life on Clarkson's Farm may not always go according to plan. There may not always be one. But there's not a day goes by when Jeremy can't say 'I've done a thing' and mean it ...

* generous, in Kaleb's view

Jeremy Clarkson began his writing career on the Rotherham Advertiser. Since then he has written for the Sun, the Sunday Times, the Rochdale Observer, the Wolverhampton Express & Star, all of the Associated Kent Newspapers and Lincolnshire Life. He was, for many years, the tallest person on television. He now lives on Diddly Squat Farm in Oxfordshire where he is learning to beco...



  • whisper
    “I’ve long held a belief that we only really care about animals that are one of three things: cute, magnificent or delicious.” 给小狗起名Arya和Sansa,引动物农场都非常大猩猩。 uk在动物福祉上没得说,但能不能偶尔也考虑下农民和其他人啊。下辈子投胎当一头老英牛,奶牛!或者母鸡,或者牧羊犬,或者拖拉机,红色的那种03-06
  • Fornever
    "And to make things worse, I now have that most dangerous of things: a little knowledge."03-16
  • hj26k
  • 情感大师Eminem
    可读性非常高 阅读体验也非常好 我真得很喜欢这种苦中作乐的写作风格 就像之前读过的那本泥屋笔记一样 03-20
  • 滿君_Alex
    大猩猩确实会写,很适合睡前随手翻阅,和剧集相比有更多细节。And that’s the other thing I’ve learnt about farming. There’s never a right or a wrong way of sorting something out. Even after 12,000 years of agriculture we are still feeling our way around, sucking things and seeing.05-29

