
The collection, interpretation and display of art from the People's Republic of China, and particularly the art of the Cultural Revolution, have been problematic for museums. These objects challenge our perception of 'Chineseness' and their style, content and the means of their production question accepted notions of how we perceive art. This book links art history, museology and visual culture studies to examine how museums have attempted to reveal, discuss and resolve some of these issues. Amy Jane Barnes addresses a series of related issues associated with collection and display: how museums deal with difficult and controversial subjects; the role they play in mediating between the object and the audience; the role of the Other in the creation of Self and national identities; the nature, role and function of art in society; the museum as image-maker; the impact of communism (and Maoism) on the cultural history of the twentieth-century; and the appropriation of communist visual iconography. This book will be of interest to researchers and students of museology, visual and cultural studies as well as scholars of Chinese and revolutionary art.



  • 杰小卡爱摸鱼
    非借不能读 要不是有人催 这书放我这里就长毛了12-04
  • 空庭树
    莱斯特出身对cr物质文化的博物馆学研究,前半部涉及了英国对cr的看法(居然抱有同情),后半部考察了英国三所博物馆(va、大英、威斯敏斯特)的cr收藏品和展览,借鉴的是福柯和赛义德的话语体系。作者眼里那十年的艺术与收藏皆为宣传媚俗,整个Maoist China的基调更是灰色、惨淡与反人道。这个论点不是基于她的材料得出(实际她引用的一手资料少得可怜,对中国近现代史的理解也匮乏的可怜),而是带着先入为主的贬低和批判,研究霸权首先别被霸权绑架。10-11

