
The partners at Finley & Figg—all two of them—often refer to themselves as “a boutique law firm.” Boutique, as in chic, selective, and prosperous. They are, of course, none of these things. What they are is a two-bit operation always in search of their big break, ambulance chasers who’ve been in the trenches much too long making way too little. Their specialties, so to speak, are quickie divorces and DUIs, with the occasional jackpot of an actual car wreck thrown in. After twenty plus years together, Oscar Finley and Wally Figg bicker like an old married couple but somehow continue to scratch out a half-decent living from their seedy bungalow offices in southwest Chicago.



  • 時代抗疫totoro
    Continuing to give us insights into the makings of big city and federal court systems, John somehow makes his writing funny and humorous by depicting an ambulance chaser law firm faced with an rare opportunity to bring a class action lawsuit against a big Pharma company with some interesting characters that simple make me laugh in the reading. 12-08
  • class action is hilarious and yet so exotic for us.04-04
  • Jill
    John Grisham - a very successful adult fairy tale teller05-11
  • 狐梨酱
    相当一般,直到最后五分之一才显示出了一点点作为一本legal thriller的potential。作者对于男性人物的塑造(or 人物 in general)算不上得心应手,大多男性人物都面目模糊十分苍白;而女性人物,虽然更为鲜活,但男性视角很是明显。David Zinc对于biglaw的描述与不满夸张了点,不过呢,唉,非常有道理。06-11
  • ocean11

