Introduction1. Looking inside Charmides' cloak: seeing others and oneself in Plato's Charmides , Mary Margaret McCabe
2. Socrates and philosophy as a way of life , John M. Cooper
3. Virtue as the love of knowledge in Plato's Symposium and Republic , Melissa Lane
4. Equal sticks and stones , David Sedley
5. The Phaedo's final argument , Nicholas Denyer
6. Beauty of the body, nobility of soul: the pursuit of love in Plato's Symposium , Alexnader Nehamas
7. Eros, philosophy, and tyranny , Dominic Scott
8. Virgil's sacred duo: Phaedrus's Symposium speech and Aeneid IX , Robert Wardy
9. Plato on war , Angela Hobbs
10. Language in the cave , Verity Harte
11. Metaspeleology , Malcolm Schofield
12. Why no Platonistic Ideas of artefacts? , Sarah Broadie
13. Plato on what is not , Noboru Notomi
14. The soul as an inner principle of change: the basis of Aristotle's psychological naturalism , Thomas Johansen
15. Aristotle's De Interpretatione 8 is about ambiguity , Susanne Bobzien
16. Sextan scepticism , Jonathan Barnes
17. The wife of Philinus, or the doctors' dilemma: medical signs and cases and non- deductive inference , G. E. R. Lloyd
18. Self-refutation and the sorites , R. J. Hankinson
19. Ideas leap barriers: the value of historical studies to philosophy , Richard Sorabji
Contributors:Mary Margaret McCabe (King's College London)
John M. Cooper (Princeton University)
Melissa Lane (University of Cambridge)
David Sedley (University of Cambridge)
Nicholas Denyer (University of Cambridge)
Alexander Nehamas (Princeton University)
Dominic Scott (University of Cambridge)
Robert Wardy (University of Cambridge)
Angela Hobbs (University of Warwick)
Verity Harte (Yale)
Malcolm Schofield (University of Cambridge)
Sarah Broadie (St Andrews)
Noboru Notomi (Keio University)
Thomas Johansen (University of Oxford)
Susanne Bobzien (Yale)
Jonathan Barnes (Sorbonne)
G. E. R. Lloyd (University of Cambridge)
R. J. Hankinson (University of Texas)
Richard Sorabji (University of Oxford)