

Niccolò Machiavelli (born May 3, 1469, Florence-died June 21, 1527, Florence) Italian statesman, historian, and political theorist. He rose to power after the overthrow of Girolamo Savonarola, was appointed secretary and Second Chancellor to the Florentine Republic in 1498. Working as a diplomat for 14 years, he came in contact with the most powerful figures in Europe. He was dismissed when the Medici family returned to power in 1512, and during the next year he was arrested and tortured for conspiracy. Though soon released, he was not permitted to return to public office. His famous treatise The Prince (1513, published 1532) is a handbook for rulers; though dedicated to Lorenzo de' Medici, ruler of Florence from 1513, it failed to win Machiavelli his favour. Machiavelli viewed The Prince as an objective description of political reality. Because he viewed human nature as venal, grasping, and thoroughly self-serving, he suggested that ruthless cunning is appropriate to the conduct of government. Though admired for its incisive brilliance, the book also has been widely condemned as cynical and amoral, and “Machiavellian” has come to mean deceitful, unscrupulous, and manipulative. His other works include a set of discourses on Livy (completed c. 1518), the comedy The Mandrake (completed c. 1518), The Art of War (published 1521), and the Florentine Histories (completed c. 1525).


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Niccolò Machiavelli (born May 3, 1469, Florence-died June 21, 1527, Florence) Italian statesman, historian, and political theorist. He rose to power after the overthrow of Girolamo Savonarola, was appointed secretary and Second Chancellor to the Florentine Republic in 1498. Working as a diplomat for 14 years, he came in contact with the most powerful figures in Europe. He was d...



  • 小鹿想念书
    classic work to read before Hobbs09-14
  • 触见
  • 车裂小可爱
    读完了penguin press的,还要把教授规定的uchicago press的翻译读一遍02-26
  • 谢玩玩
    除开西方的殖民史,就中国历史来说,触龙说赵太后,汉光武帝事,也可以在这本书里面找到恰如其分的解说。其实摊开来说白了,任何一个时期的政治,都是以利益为导向。而要达成未必公平但对于社会来说勉强合理,能够为人所接受的利益分配,最开始所要拥有的,就是power & force. 所谓的Fortune,在这两者缺失的情况下,简直不值一提。05-16
  • 一叶
    its just a business01-18

