




  • 作者介绍
  • 前 言
  • Chapter 1 IELTS speaking examination background
  • Chapter 2 Basic do’s and do-not’s in the speaking examination
  • Chapter 3 Common pronunciation mistakes
  • Chapter 4 Speaking topics examples for section 1,2&3
  • Chapter 5 Part 1 questions with answers
  • Chapter 6 Part 2 questions with answers
  • 1. Describe an old person that you know.
  • 2. Describe a teacher who has infuenced you in your education.
  • 3. Describe a child you know.
  • 4. Describe someone that you really like to spend time with.
  • 5. Describe someone in your family that you really admire.
  • 6. Describe a teacher from your past that you remember.
  • 7. Talk about a person that means a lot to you or you admire.
  • 8. Talk about a person that you spend a lot of time with.
  • 9. Describe a historical fgure.
  • 10. Describe a person who can speak a second language.
  • 11. Describe a present you gave someone.
  • 12. Describe a course you took in your college or university.
  • 13. Describe something you own that is very important to you.
  • 14. Talk about an equipment of your household (such as computer,TV,fridge,phone and so on).
  • 15. Describe a thing you bought that you had to save money for.
  • 16. Talk about something you share with someone else.
  • 17. Describe a wild animal from your country.
  • 18. Talk about a pet that you or someone you know once had.
  • 19. Describe your favourite fower.
  • 20. Describe your favourite colour.
  • 21. Talk about something you or someone you know collects.
  • 22. Describe the most useful household appliance that you have.
  • 23. Describe a happy childhood event.
  • 24. Describe an environmental problem that has occurred in your country.
  • 25. Describe a problem that afects the environment in the area where you live.
  • 26. Describe a memorable event in your life.
  • 27. Describe your holiday.
  • 28. Describe an interesting phone conversation you had with someone.
  • 29. Describe a project or a piece of work you did together with someone.
  • 30. Talk about a job that you would like to try.
  • 31. Describe a small company in your hometown that you think is successful.
  • 32. Talk about a popular well-paid job in your country.
  • 33. Describe a recent holiday you went on.
  • 34. Talk about a time you got angry.
  • 35. Describe something you did at work that you enjoyed.
  • 36. Describe what you do to stay ft and healthy.
  • 37. Describe a prize you would like to win.
  • 38. Describe a moment or an instance you experienced that made you laugh a lot.
  • 39. Describe an event that you organized which was very successful.
  • 40. Describe a skill that you learnt in your childhood.
  • 41. Describe an instance when you received some good news.
  • 42. Describe a goal that you hope to achieve in the future.
  • 43. Talk about your f irst experience in any sport as a child.
  • 44. Describe your best childhood memory.
  • 45. Describe a situation when the weather afected your work or your plans for the day.
  • 46. Talk about a time when you had to make a dif icult choice.
  • 47. Describe a flm or TV program which has made a strong impression on you.
  • 48. Describe a magazine you often read.
  • 49. Describe your favourite news source.
  • 50. Describe a book that you have recently read.
  • 51. Talk about a movie you watched recently.
  • 52. Describe an interesting historic place.
  • 53. Talk about a city you visited and what impressed you.
  • 54. Describe a sport you would like to learn.
  • 55. Describe a house or an apartment where you would like to live.
  • 56. Describe an unusual building you have visited.
  • 57. Describe a playground or park where you played.
  • 58. Describe a hotel you stayed in.
  • 59. Describe a library that you visited.
  • 60. Talk about your favourite photograph.
  • 61. Talk about a song that reminds you of a particular time in the past.
  • Chapter 7 Part 3 questions with answers
  • 一、人物与关系
  • 1. Friend
  • 2. Family
  • 3. Teacher
  • 4. Marriage
  • 5. Leader
  • 6. Parents&children
  • 7. Famous people
  • 二、学习和工作
  • 1. Learning
  • 2. Educational development
  • 3. Studying abroad
  • 4. Skills that need to be learned
  • 5. Goal
  • 6. Group work
  • 7. Finding jobs
  • 8. Company&employment
  • 9. Online business
  • 10. Time management
  • 11. Taking risks
  • 三、技术和互联网
  • 1. Technology
  • 2. Internet
  • 四、旅游和交通
  • 1. Travel
  • 2. Transportation
  • 五、事件和活动
  • 1. Ceremony
  • 2. National/Global events
  • 3. Children’s activities
  • 六、休闲和爱好
  • 1. Leisure time
  • 2. Sports&hobbies
  • 3. Reading
  • 4. Films&TV
  • 5. Music
  • 6. Photograph
  • 7. Comedy
  • 七、时尚和消费
  • 1. Clothes
  • 2. Advertising
  • 3. Consumption
  • 4. Saving money
  • 八、生活和住宿
  • 1. Food
  • 2. Houses
  • 3. Living
  • 九、历史和价值
  • 1. Values
  • 2. Historic places
  • 3. Tradition
  • 十、其他
  • 1. Festival
  • 2. Handcraft
  • 3. Environment protection
  • 4. Healthcare
  • 5. Season&weather
  • 6. Wild animals&pet
  • 7. Flower
  • 8. Colour
  • 9. Special gift
  • Chapter 8 Useful Vocabulary