
  • country bread
    TELL ME EVERYTHING ABOUT THE NIGHT. 读完就直接开始重读 - Nightwood reads INTO you. 沉睡的人没有时间又拥有一切时间,过去和未来,白天和黑夜,爱,死亡,停止狗吠,梦里一同轰然倒下。09-29
  • 大大大小姐⭐️
    i read this for Modernism and have completely forgot most of the plot (though it’s famously anti-plot) but there are things stuck with me years after the class 06-30
  • Dawn
    我以为伍尔夫是我小说阅读的天花板了;果然是我读的太少。high-modernism to me is simply too white...12-10
  • Loro
    "La Somnambule"统引全书,梦游者们进行着不真实的对话。"The modern child has nothing left to hold on to, or, to put it better, he has nothing to hold with. We are adhering to life now with our last muscle - the heart." 结尾章对前文的一切回答,傲气逼人,尤其那种轻盈的暗示,"Sliding down [Robin] went", 对应Bow Down/Go Down Matthew, 下沉时我们分离。09-23
  • L
    “I talk too much because I have been made so miserable by what you are keeping hushed. I’m an old worn out lioness, a coward in my corner; for the sake of my bravery I’ve never been one thing that I am, to find out what I am! … Death in Heaven lies couched on a mackerel sky, on her breast a helmet and at her feet a foal with a silent marble mane.”08-06
  • Decem
    把我看懵了,语言感觉词语优美但是感觉语言后没有什么意思,就是有些癫狂的辞藻和情感,意识流也不能这么意识啊.jpg,不是很懂在表达什么,以为会是《柏林故事》这样的20s异国小人物群像,但是这些人物都很模糊更像是不怎么有意思的caricature,热衷于旧贵族的Felix,最好的聆听者Nora,吞噬爱的Jenny,但是这些特点都是作者直接告诉你的,没有故事没有剧情来体现这些人物的性格(???)然后看着他们发表一些我不是很明白的soliloquy,可能我对painful love的感触不深...太华丽而且想法太模糊,放过自己,我不分析了07-18
  • 小呀小哔哔
    没有翻译,读的英文原文,就如艾略特所说,语言写法像诗,不禁让人怀疑起乔伊斯对她的影响。对这本书最好的评价,其实就是序里的一句话:Nightwood is itself. 值得反复读的一本书。04-20
    Avant garde 读不懂 Robin Vote是野兽04-19
  • 回輈
    “Two spirits were working in her, love and anonymity.”“Nora will leave that girl some day; but though those two are buried at opposite ends of the earth, one dog will find them both.” 12-25
  • Evanescence
  • shep.endymion
  • 梵子
  • 野次馬
    一本只能重读的小说,医生是Tiresias形象的另一个变体。越过一线黄昏,陷入永夜的兽与丛林。"... will tell you how the day and the night are related by their division.”04-28
  • 風颭雲
    雖然沒有華麗的詞彙(偶爾的法語和德語),但是大段的人物獨白和作者的旁白(充斥著各種比喻和類比)讓整部小說非常難被深刻的理解。正如T.S.Eliot所說:"only sensibilities trained on poetry can wholly appreciate it"08-28