
  • 快下雨吧
    我最喜欢的H著作之一。翻译很烂。他把这本书涉及的每个人都归到philosophy of consciousness里。唯二有两个人,我还存疑点:Hegel和Derrida。Hegel,H承认他早期还是有intersubjectivity思想的。D么,H没读懂,在批Culler呢!09-05
  • 塌鼻子加缪
    我读过最难读的书…………和最厚的书……Derrida的of grammatology节选在课堂上教授讲解着读的,都没觉得难,这本简直难到天际;看到短评第一建议读德文,if only I can read German,读英文版的确很torture09-10
  • Viraganio
    ...呵呵呵 还仅仅是lecture03-04
  • Allerletzte
  • skeeter
    Another must-read heavy book for my European field... But, I consider it as one of the most important books I have ever read so far. It leads you to know where you are and how you arrived at here, why do you think and speak so. To read as close as you can, and try to follow how a powerful pragmatism mind thinks and how he makes use of his own knowledge from his close reading--it is therefore also a wonderful example of intellectual history itself. Yet, in order not to waste your time, you need good reading knowledge at least on Kant, Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche, Max Weber, Foucault, Heidegger, Derrida. (Also some knowledge on Horkheimer, Adorno, Luhmann ....)I recommend to read in German directly if possible (of course). To read the English translation is a torture. 04-05