

  • Angela
  • tumbler爱自由
  • salty yuzu
    文笔绝妙,画面感强烈。开始和结尾的几章,因为军事术语和虐待场景太多,令人痛苦。No one is on the right side, everyone should be held accountable. 看待越战的新视角。No apology, no explanation. 在移民文学中鹤立鸡群。03-24
  • 核镭HOL
    最后杀掉【消音】的时候才算高潮吧 但是最喜欢主角在菲律宾拍电影时对美国文化的观察 好莱坞represent我们 连我们的尖叫和哭号声都搞错了。04-08
  • 2017我的年度最佳,要再读一遍12-03
  • winnietheice
    nothing. is more important06-12
  • Mr. D
    I would rate the book 3.5 stars out of 5. Nguyen is truly a master of language. His elaborate wording renders the book nothing short of a joy to read. However, I am a bit disappointed in how the plot unravels in the final few chapters where Nguyen seems to be rather carried away.01-02
  • poiuny
    2018.8.15-10.28. “Nothing”.10-29
  • 阿枣
  • 室内蘑菇云
    2017.9.8-9.12 最大的阅读愉悦来自语言的繁复幽默和文化上的共鸣。情节上其实感觉一般,最后的几章个人感觉有点头重脚轻。09-13
  • Soo Yung
    A lack of knowledge about the Vietnam War made me detach from the novel. Nguyen was very critical of the role of the Americans in Vietnam. Neither grateful nor confrontational, he had such an angry tone towards American culture and Southern Vietnamese politics. Like his satirical approach to a political connoted literature work. SY 8/910-07
  • 鱼伊尹
    3.8* Viet Tranh Nyuen seems to be one of the best scholarly writers of the generation11-01
  • 小裁缝
    “She had a mind like an abacus, the spine of a drill instructor andthe body of a virgin even after five children. all of this was wrappedup in one of those exteriors that inspired our Beaux Arts -trainedpainters to use the most posted of watercolors and the fuzziest ofbrushstrokes” Really Pulitzer?!05-15
  • Kerstin
  • lieerli
    才开始看的时候觉得政治因素主导得奖 而越读越发现这个故事厉害 以及作者在叙述中的评论 最后几章完全手不释卷。看到有个评论说作者在用GRE词汇写书 笑死~05-11
  • Salzig
    我擦太感同身受了:一个越共在西贡以及美国做卧底,成了两面人。讲美国的地方太一针见血了。"The eternal misconceptions and misunderstandings between East and West, and the moral dilemma faced by people forced to choose not between right and wrong, but right and right.“ 结尾是精华,讲越南的地方也同样的一针见血,让我一个中国人欲哭无泪。当主人公终于come to terms with他的双重身份,w/devastating consequences. Scathing, bleak, & utterly beautiful10-17