I thought this novel is just another triangle trope, which, the heroine has to choose from two men who both love her so deeply. But I was wrong. I was touched by the mixed feeling and struggled thoughts described in the novel, how women who are physically abused by their lovers would fall in vicious cycle. 02-23
Just because someone hurts you doesn’t mean you can simply stop loving them. It’s not a person’s actions that hurt the most. It’s the love. If there was no love attached to the action, the pain would be a little easier to bear.03-06
应该是tiktok带火销量最高的一本书,goodreads有180万读者评分,4.36分。一开始以为是steamy,因为实在太火了。结果是非常严肃的主题——家暴。作者结构利用的好,仿佛是日式悬疑的伏笔安排:全书过半才交代Lily的爸爸是市长,刻意调侃读者(市长夫人遭受家暴自欺欺人帮丈夫cover似乎很容易理解),后面交代Lily是拯救了Atlas的生命,最后是Ryle即开头意外枪击惨剧的主角。几乎把家暴回归abuser的借口全部展现了,尤其是Ryle的破碎,让Lily有一种要挽救爱人的诱惑,暴力只是他控制不住自己,他那样爱自己,应该原谅他,要帮他改变。We’re all just people who sometimes do bad things,这是坏人的借口,有些事做了,你就是坏人。11-26
it ends with us 看到这句话的时候才明白书名的意思 Lily跟Ryle说离婚的那段是全本书最棒的地方 (不然就是美版霸道总裁家暴男爱上我的三角恋故事07-14
Atlas 就像匆匆那年里面的乔燃,看到结局我就知足了02-06
我就是很不明白 女主为啥可以精神踏两船 让我不好打分03-16
There is no such thing called bad people, we are just people who sometimes do bad things. 02-27