Got excited reading this book every single time 08-13
其实不是什么艰深的道理,不是走到了思考的末端,在最边际开疆拓土。但是Sontag 给自己开了一块田地,上演瀑布。瀑布,主要是从experience of language这个角度,思考的层层绽放。[excerpt] … Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Dostoevsky, Kafka, Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Genet—and Simone Weil—have their authority with us precisely because of their air of unhealthiness. Their unhealthiness is their soundness, and is what carries conviction.03-16
断断续续居然也读了个差不离,against interpretation, on style, notes on camp三篇鼎鼎大名的文论居然是在同一个集子里。Sontag很适合去写aphorism, sharp and terse and satirical. 那句”art is seduction, not rape”是可以印在T恤上级别的slogan。10-23
I feel like Susan’s words elevate my thinking and consciousness to another level because I have that long-lost “oh my god how can my previous assumptions be so naive and crude” feeling again. Added to being intellectually stimulating and nourishing is this book’s good writing style, for which alone it is worth reading 11-21
In place of a hermeneutics we need an erotics of art.11-20