正应时的一本书。可是身处疫情之中心浮气躁,大概花了个把多月才看完。觉得写的很好,不枯燥但基本概念讲的还蛮清楚。有些黑色幽默。只是感慨,书中(2012年出版)流行病学家几乎都肯定The next big one(下一个大传染病)会在不远的将来发生,然而当它确实发生了,人类还是这么准备不足啊。书里面提了三类比较可能大爆发的病毒,黏液病毒(流感类),逆转录病毒(艾滋),冠状病毒(SARS),可不就是来了么。04-01
What is the Next Big One? And When? 书结尾还着重梳理了流感,并提到了冠状病毒值得特别注意。哎。Like he said, human race is an outbreak in the planet history. We are too many, and we go and even fly everywhere. 04-13
Pretty interesting although later parts are a little repetitive.05-19
现在看来真是好精准的预言。*Sarcasticly* Wow, science is real!02-23
An encyclopedia of zoonosis, based on science but with narrative. Certain chapters in the later part is a bit over the line to fictional, but overall an enjoyable and informative read03-28