

  • 粉红色大象
    '渴望倾诉而拒绝倾听,这就是孤独的根源 '11-16
  • moviejunkie
    very, very depressing09-21
  • deugitaf
    In the town there were two mutes, and they are always together.07-01
  • 虹雨
  • WellIgotone
    In the town there were two mutes, and they were always together. Early every morning they would come out from the house where they lived and walk arm in arm down the street to work. 还有孤独从未退场10-09
  • Maurice Moss
    It starts and ends with you.04-17
  • 一文儿
    Singer is crawling towards Antonapolous, the 4 ppl are behind him. & in the dark, there are many ppl in there, only Singer cant see..05-04
  • 有 猫 出 没
    The deaf heard the most.08-18
  • Amber
    不知道为什么,总让我想到Edward Hopper的画。读完整本书,竟然和我在只看标题时所想象的一样。可能,孤独的形式有很多种,sense起来却都是一样的。06-26
  • 文泽尔
    去年重译的《心是孤独的猎手》新版即将出版了 辛格的消费主义究竟是对本真美好的刻意还是一种带讽刺意味的表达 主角故事是否《人鼠之间》与《土生子》糅合的互文本 《小城畸人》对本书的成型有多深 威廉·夏普的诗题究竟配是不配 干脆等实书出来后 仔细梳理一下 再写篇评论出来得了11-05
  • Heidegger
  • 黄雷蕾Linali
    文字版的Edward Hopper。09-06