
  • 遄遄
  • Ginko
  • 午睡猪
    The system still works after all it starts as early as Pluto’s time. But the huge divides on our understanding and takes on the changes from increasing mobility has been there for a while, but we just weren’t paying attention either side until the counterattack gets loud. We all have catchup to do. 09-01
  • 迟缓者
    轻且浅,能够引发一些思考,但缺少真正的见地。无论在政治上还是在人的心理上,作者的理解都有所欠缺。对于far-right populists来说,本书提出的一些reconciliatory slogan或许太纸上谈兵了。如果是想搞明白populism作为一种政治现象的成因,那就不能完全仰仗于survey作为论据。如果是想写出一本抗击这种现象的行动指南,那建议去看看what is to be done学习一下什么叫做力度和周全。02-16