当时听NYT book review推荐过 无感 但看友邻评价不错就借来听了 holy shit what a fun book! Narrator的performance也非常出彩 maybe I’m narrow-minded but I could not believe that this story, this style, this voice, is by a male author. Everything about this book is new, stories haven’t been told, and yet incredibly relatable to me, and that is golden. I wish this book is longer!!!07-07
quirky and touching~写得也很漂亮,摘一段最喜欢的:They stood there, burning. And I was happy. I knew they were okay. I knew that they couldn’t be hurt. The grass turned black at their feet, and the air around them turned shimmery. It was beautiful. They were beautiful.11-28
如果按照我们日常理解小说来分类的话,这类小说应该叫做传奇:女屌丝暗恋富家千金;随时随地会身体着火的小孩;上流阶级的奢侈生活……像是童话故事,但正文的“F-words”出现频率之高让叙述语言平添了一种叙事肌无力感;就当作轻松搞笑的小说读一读好了。不过,没想到Kevin Wilson居然和 Ann Patchett 是二十几年的好友,两个小说家的创作水平还是蛮有差距的。01-17