

  • Semi-zheng
    key word: lingua franca frame control (esp. time & prize frame), alpha power & beta trap, croc brain model trigger, dynamic social encounter. Comments: Only story matters. Data merely serves as the wanting. 12-13
  • Rouge
  • 豆友183248999
    endorsement 背书,collide 碰撞,impervious 不受影响的,defiance 反抗,escrow 第三方保管,immerse 沉浸在,turf 地盘,remorse 悔恨,rapport 融洽,cajole 劝诱,gurus 大师,lubricant 润滑油,charisma 魅力,tycoon 大亨,conviction 信念,reap 收获,amenity 便利措施,bold 大胆的,skirmish 小冲突,novelty 新颖,12601-09
  • justinvrn10
    Super love it, I can literally imagine all the pictures and reflections when read, the senario and situations basically repeated in our daily life.I definitely will put it into practice when I advance my life in the future, frame it 06-03
  • 娃娃手
    《如何pub投资人 —— 从入门到精通》书里最后的例子还是很精彩的03-26
  • babysnow
    The best part of this audiobook is that it is narrated by the author himself, especially when the topic is about pitching . I really like the fact that the author combined brain structure, neuro science and framings together. The stories told are very intriguing. 12-22
  • snowwill
    15min summary read08-20
  • 除了一些文化差异造成的不适用情形,总体策略还是很接近现实商业场景的05-02
  • 启明君
  • 志彬
    思考快与慢 ,商务版06-12
  • skysea
  • 既望
    商业社交技能,怎样presenting and persuading03-21
  • 自在娇莺恰恰恰
    Cool! Finish it with audible. Plan to summarize the outline and practice it...11-21
  • 槲栎