???????? “Just fuck each other already!!!” This is all I have to say to the main characters. Goodreads is so misleading. The storyline isn’t even good enough for a TikTok, why bother so many pages? Feels like one of those teenage diaries from the most boring kid ever in class. Waste of money 100%. 02-22
晋江快点进军北美吧, Best romance book 2021 on Goodreads?! 情节大概几句话就能讲清楚,硬是要分成两条时间线。前面铺垫了半天的悬念: what happened to them in Croatia, 结果就是喝多了Kiss了一下?! 然后两个人回去就两年没联络, for what reason?! 还好是一边听audiobook一边做其他事情,不然真的是浪费时间。03-11
前三分之一:ugh rich people problem,中间三分之一:just date/fuck already,最后三分之一和我想得完全不一样,我以为他俩两年前的fallout会是因为工作和私人space got mixed together了,没想到fallout的原因会这么… 言情 (eyeroll)… 但至少执行得还挺好的,plus this finally got me out of my reading slump and reminds me of “what happens in residential stays in residential”03-28