Autism is not something which should be apologize for. If somebody does not know about you or autism, it does not matter. You just treat yourself with self-respect. communicate more clearly and honestly. Generally, autism group are difficult in finding a job, so saving is very important way to make himself safe. no Camouflaging and compensation.05-27
"Our way of being wasn’t wrong at all, it was society’s failure to adapt to our needs that left us feeling broken.” 很平易近人的科普书,应该使用的语言与态度,作为一个neurotypical占大多数的社会又应该做到什么。(记几个点:作为女性更难得到正确诊断,因为通常会被认为只是所谓女性特质中的害羞或者歇斯底里。/拒绝使用high functioning这种字眼,这种说法暗示着人只能靠ta有多productive来定义。)05-06