可能是我看过最好的address了如何在界限和关爱中找到平衡:Connection first, Connection does not mean approval. Approval is usually about a specific behavior; connection is about our relationship with the person underneath the behavior. 以及 boundaries are not what we tell people not to do, instead boundaries are what we tell people we will do 真是大道至简啊10-31
it s okay
听完整本书,五星推荐。关于shame n confidence的章节非常受益。前两章的鸡汤也很有道理。是育儿更是了解自己的心路历程和解开自己心结的启发。过一阵会再读一遍。值得反复读,慢慢理解,接受和内化。07-01
Good inside 和clinical therapists 普遍认为的 true self 理念是一致的,即认为人的自我是好的,是负性情绪和脑补的负性声音影响了人们的行为。07-12
Resilience is more important than happiness.07-06
特别喜欢,不只是育儿书,更是了解情感表现背后的实际需求,最喜欢的一段话是“I often think that parenting is really an exercise in our own development and growth; when we have kids, we are confronted with so many truths about ourselves, our childhoods, and our relationships with our families of origin. And while we can use this information to learn and unlearn, break cycles, and heal.”08-11