已经两个月没怎么看得进书了,弃了好几本之后甚至有怀疑自己抑郁的倾向,好在看到这本书之后又找回了状态。语言很美,第一个故事就吸引了我,Edwin is capable of action but prone to inertia. 偏偏不喜欢Olive的故事。主线的anomaly一开始就觉得很扯,看到最后也就释怀了。喜欢这种女性作家的笔触,we are not trying to save the world here, it’s only about living and feeling. 07-15
整体构思应该是想先写不同时代具体人物的生活境况,然后引入失常,最后制造出mind fuck的效果,可惜每一步力度都不太够,于是总是差点意思。有意思的是,书中写道—— as a species, we have a desire to believe that we’re living at the climax of the story. It’s a kind of narcissism. We want to believe that we’re uniquely important, that we’re living at the end of history, … —— 这也是本书给我的感觉。不知道是不是故意的。06-29
The thin line between reality and fiction is is clearly intentional. But it somehow makes the futuristic aspects a little too close to home, not entirely believable. There seems to be more structure than flesh to the book, and not enough substance to characters.05-04