

  • 不错,有吸纳了乔伊斯的痕迹,却怀有自己的思考,比较好供读者了解剖析吸收。四散在时间线上的所有人一齐被钟声拽回现在的时刻。01-26
  • 钱自由
  • Astrophil江白
    Tiny disappointment must have when you read this book, one can’t prevent somehow, after you have read To the Lighthouse which is a flawless book. 12-24
  • 一惠
    Such a pain. 09-06
  • Penumbra
    第一遍。喜欢书脊上用Clarissa眼睛的这个意象。对比卞之琳,Woolf对“看“的回环表述,深刻丰富太多:C看对窗老太 "Somehow one respected that -- that old woman looking out of the window, quite unconscious that she was being watched. There was something solemn in it -- but love and religion would destroy that, whatever it was, the privacy of the soul" 和最后C得知Septimus的死:"So she saw it"。Woolf短句冲击力太大了05-07
  • My second favorite VW so far. “Are we not all prisoners? She had read a wonderful play about a man who scratched on the wall of his cell, and she had felt that was true of life — one scratched on the wall” 12-01
  • thebluepill
    She would not say of anyone in the world now that they were this or were that.She felt very young;at the same time unspeakably aged.She sliced like a knife through everything;at the same time was outside,looking on.She had a perpetual sense...she always has the feeling that it very,very dangerous to live even one day.12-02
  • egg roulette
    意外,非常意外。Microcosmic, limited scope, but by all means not overly melodramatic.02-09
  • heterotopia
    ①城市漫游(历时性):地理环境如何寄寓战前回忆,Big Ben隐含的时间线索&多视点(共时性):连结大众注意力的同一事件(aeroplane及钟声),承载众生相的Regent Park;②抵抗时间的两种方式(Clarissa的超验主义观,有限生命向人际与自然延展继而永恒&Septimus以死亡抗拒生活的平庸);③人际交往中视域的局限与理解的艰难,具体呈现为两种生活态度的龃龉(penetration&respect for the privacy of the soul);④战争导致的感受力丧失,个人的麻木与遗忘方能维系集体荣誉宏大叙事;⑤莎翁作为正典如何被纳入现代主义叙事(Cymbeline,Othello,Sonnet,Antony and Cleopatra, Richard II)08-11