First part was sleep-inducing and only until you reached the 2nd and 3rd parts you realize the breeding in the hotbeds of hopelessness. Never anticipated what would happen, glad it was done at a sunny Sunday afternoon at alta plaza.10-12
2016.01.25 ~ 2016.02.06石黑一雄的作品,此前只读过冒国安译的《长日留痕》,他以看似白描的景物绘述反映人物的知情意,以冷静到近乎冷漠的笔触勾勒人物心灵深处因其太真太深而不敢示人的感受,给我留下极为深刻的印象。《Never Let Me Go》用一个科幻设定,展现给读者另一种直面生死的表情——似乎是那么不同,但真的有什么不同吗?最后一章里,看到“complete”这个词,我都忍不住落泪。如此残忍的人生里,他们活得这么明亮而温柔。02-06
真的,我们international students真的很像Hailsham students。No matter how hard you try, you are still different forever.11-30