词汇倒退 需系统归纳|我靠我读完了!做满笔记!随便整理了一些有趣的1.auth是to increase,所以author是people who causes anything to grow——“产生事物的人”2.comfort词根是fort 意思是strong,com的意思是thoroughly,所以comfort是:to make strong in mind3.cord是heart心脏的意思,re是back的意思,所以record的意思是back in the heart4.mort是死 nat是生,ure是state or result,所以nature是the state or result of the birth of all things in the world05-25
我读过的最有用的书,老爸给我的84年版,看的我通体舒畅!看了以后再学英语完全是事半功倍,甚至变成一种享受!首页上写“the shortest and best way of learning a language,is to know the roots of it;that is those original primitive words of which other words are formed.(学习一门语言文字的最短最佳的途径,是掌握它的词根,亦即那些其他单词借以形成的原生词。)——Lord Chesterfield”12-03