
  • Jessika
    一本hardcore美国无证移民生活实录,记录了很多令人心碎的故事,但作者还挺风趣的:“I am their child, if I wasn’t their child I should be patented and mass-produced and distributed to undocumented immigrants at Walmarts. I am a professional immigrant’s daughter.” 作者在自己长期遭受精神疾病的折磨的同时,还为帮助这个边缘化的群体付出了大量的精力和财力,着实impressive。就可惜没往更深的地方写,要是再升华一下会更值得读。06-23
  • 豆友86834668
    Immediately after 9/11, “the first responders were firemen and EMT workers. The second responders were undocumented immigrants. … Many of them have developed cancer. They have rhinitis, gastritis, arthritis, severe acid reflux, asthma... Their psychological symptoms are triggered by…, by darkness, by any news coverage of natural disasters.” 09-15
  • 许三
    worth reading. otherwise I wouldnt know the undocumented were the first group after the first responders arriving at the 9/11 world trade center to save lives and clean up under suffering conditions, only to be stiffed by subcontractors and denied of the 911 funds.04-26
  • L.
  • 三无人员白轮船
  • J
    A brutally honest account, a perspective 05-28
  • lyla
    主观情绪强烈 p40 感动心酸流泪03-18
  • kidult2046
  • mipropiocentro
    [excerpt] I remember every person who ever left my dad a really good tip when we lived off his tips, … it was always the Latina executive assistants, very rarely the white people in power, and I remember how he felt for the rest of the evening when he came home. It was like having my dad back from the dead.02-16
  • 顾予美
    Audiobook 作者朗读 | 恰逢911纪念日听到书里对911后非法劳工的记录,在灾难发生后,第一批进现场援助清理的就是非法劳工,工作本身很艰难,但更难的是在这之后不断被灾难现场触发的心理创伤和现场带来的化学伤害,而他们缺乏政府提供的医疗援助,尽管他们所需要的援助并不比其他人少。更糟的是911导致的排外主义。这些拉丁裔不被(以白人为主导的)公众当作是灾难的受害者,而是恐怖主义的嫌犯。以国际安全之名,政府先是取消了非法移民的驾照,让他们丧失了司机的工作,然后再一步步剥夺他们的生存工具,让他们无路可走。很多在911逝去的非法移民,不仅没有人知道他们的名字,甚至都没有被计算在死亡人数里。“没人知道他们死了,也没人知道他们活过。”;作者是为数不多毕业于哈佛本科的非法身份者,说不好是什么更让我吃惊09-14
  • Youngerer
    Eye-opening learning about the lives of undocumented immigrants, but not resonating much with the author’s sense of privilege mixed with self-pity. It is mentioned in the book that many undocumented immigrants do not think of the U.S. as home, and it is unimaginable working oneself to death in a situation like this. Wish the book had given answers.03-11
  • 大寸
    题外话# 最近才意识到,再简单不过的事情原来很多人不明白:喜欢美国的话,并不必须当基督徒或者粉川普;不是基督徒或不粉川普的话,并不意味就是liberal了;是liberal的话,并不必须练瑜伽当vegan救助猫狗支持Bernie Sanders... 04-18