前面铺垫非常缓慢,我一直在强迫自己集中注意力才能继续读下去。Ba作为水手的故事非常吸引我,我很享受书里的结尾部分。一直在想,如果可能的话我也愿意作为一名水手去感受世界。那种随自己喜好选择前进方向的自由的感觉,和下一秒你不知道会遇见谁,和谁发生怎样的联系的生活方式吸引着我。这或许就是Ba留下的the last gift。全文的语言通俗易懂,没有什么华丽的词藻,移民的话题穿插在其中,但好像只是因为他们的肤色恰巧是黑色,所以提了一下,给我一种移民生活并不是这本书想传达的主题的感觉。10-26
“I had no money, no papers, no skills, but that did not stop me thinking I’m was free. I had lost my fear of the world.” “One fire puts out another’s burning, slowly.” Sad immigrant story. They are busy denying themselves and proving. I don’t know how it feels to never return home. I might be just like that. But I don’t know how it will feel like. 06-19