There is nothing more orderly than cemetry and any human activity can constitute a crime. 拉丁美洲从被西方国家登足的那一刻就因为她的富饶而被诅咒了,她的血液从土地的表面和矿脉、人们无休止的劳动和贫穷中抽取。所有人的敌人是贪婪的资本主义和独裁政权,为单纯的服务和供给制造一片又一片的静默,营养不足的人民制造着他们不能享有的棒球、肉品和作物。在挣扎中,只陷入了债务的死循环。人民被视作了敌人、人类活动被视为反叛,在为国内和国外的统治者无尽的劳动中,在超长的劳动时间里,在政治审查和自我寒噤中,生死劬劳地合上双眼。这不是历史,而是在循环往复地发生在每一片土地上的温驯的人类的故事。06-22
Our countries are becoming echos and losing their voices. 五十年后的今天,这本书的内容依然发人深省12-26
“One writers out of a need to communicate and to communicate with others…one writes against one’s solitude and against the solitude of others…one assumes that literature transmits knowledge and affects…language of those who read…[Writers of] Latin America are linked to…profound social transformations.10-05