为了同一个别扭的原因back and forth over and over真的听得很难受…翻来覆去的争吵和心理活动有点像把整本书变成了一场心理咨询,which i absolutely hate to see in a book..结尾也有点cheesy..a soft 3.5, 4 for Emily Henry banter but 3 for the miscommunication trope and the ending01-15
romance romance romance! enjoyed reading this one!! like the title, it’s about finding happiness in life, seeing happiness in life, and choosing happiness in life… In the end, we all come to choose the happy place called HOME, however you define it..读到80%的时候还很确信这就是一本爱情小说,直到书的结尾部分才变得更丰富,谈到追求个人快乐和人生选择,特别是女主的原生家庭问题太东亚了,很难不往自己身上套。05-07