"if you protect my granddaughter, I will give you my soul...only the rich have keys to this city. Not scum like me…through many a birth I wandered, seeking but not finding the builder of this house" "That is the kindest thing you can say about life. It’s not nothing."我不知道为什么觉得有点讽刺男主很是不是因为privilege才能说出第二句那样的话,而大部分普通的孤魂都只能是第一句,感觉就是这几句话触动我(魔幻现实主意再次失败10-28
这本书不好读:1. 兰卡的历史太复杂、引用太多了。2. 活人与逝者的魂灵不分彼此,难以分辨。但是:1. 战争不好,不要打仗。2. 人死之后一切纷争都毫无必要。//如果让我在那五杯水里做选择,我不会选择原谅这个世界。(虽然很想尝尝 arrack 的滋味)//The kindest thing you can say about life: It’s not nothing.08-25
We must all find pointless causes to live for, or why bother with breath?03-18
前五分之一有些The Lovely Bones和Lincoln in the Bardo的调调,从中段开始加入了更多对内战历史、官匪勾结、同性恋生态等花哨描绘后确实让我这个对斯里兰卡几乎一无所知的人对该国建立起了立体鲜活的印象。03-13
Because, on reflection, once you have seen your own face and recognised the colour of your eyes, tasted the air and smelled the soil, drunk from the purest fountains and the dirtiest wells, that is the kindest thing you can say about life. It’s not nothing.12-04
Worthy of the prize.10-18
这本书继承了他上一部作品《与亡灵交谈》(Chats with the Dead)的创作风格,通过讽刺、黑色幽默等方式来引发思考,也许痛苦用幽默的形式表现会显得更为讽刺吧。有趣的是,他将成王败寇之理展开,却使得现实显得更为无力: “历史就是那些永远船只和武器的人消灭那些忘记发明它们的人。每一种文明都是从种族灭绝开始的,这是宇宙的法则,是永恒的丛林法则,即使它是由混凝土制成。即使在每一颗星星的运动和每一粒原子的舞蹈中也能看到。在这里,富人将奴役身无分文的人,强者将压垮弱者。”10-20
Red Joker
第一次见全文以第二人称为主的长篇小说wars will never end ,not in Down There , nor In Between . there will always be new factions, new thugs, new stands. cos violence is one thing will never go shortage of, while compassion and kindness are becoming less than useless.10-30