能让人跟与自己完全不同甚至look down upon(或者说作为一个让人look down upon的族群之代表)的主人公共情,就很厉害。当妈了更看不得小孩子遭罪。01-25
Some little nut cracks open inside you and a tree starts to grow. Years maybe. Then one day you say, Huh, that little crack between my ears has turned into this whole damn tree of wonderful.12-16
A pointed book depicting a kid surviving disfunctioning foster care and a generation racked by prescribed drugs. “The wonder is that you could start life with nothing, end with nothing, and lose so much in between.” 这本书独特的地方在于它让我真的看到一个和我完全不同的人是如何看待世界的。就一直往大海看去吧07-25
Stole Charles Dickens’s idea and did a mediocre writing job. Nothing to write home about. Couldn’t care less about his life, uneventful and uninspiring. Every year I have had high hope for Pulitzer winners’ books since Richard Hofstadter since professor Stephen J. Greenblatt. Yet I got let down.05-12