当喜欢HEA结局的January发现自己的生活其实并不像表面上那么美好,Everybody hurts这首歌其实也并非难以接受;当不相信阳光的悲观主义者Gus发现生命中不敢靠近的阳光其实并不炙热到不可触摸,不真实的Meg Ryan会因为身边的人变得不那么难以接受,比起互相治愈的宿命感,自我对话自我疗伤自我蜕变的过程更加让人感动。比起为了渲染而渲染的老套言情和为了乐观而乐观的浪漫主义,面对现实面对未来与伤痕共存更加具有现实意义。最好的结局是,January学会与伤痛和解,Gus因为值得珍惜的人学着不去看那些沉痛的岁月。他们找到了属于自己的HEA:live for the moment;happy for the moment。06-27
As what was mentioned in the Behind the Book I can really feel it was written while a writers block as in the story wasn’t smoothly set in a way you could flow with it. I think it tries to express the idea of Happy for Now and Healing which we’re definite themes of love forever but I do doubt multiple times myself (not the same way as the protagoni01-26