1. Mint social currency* inner remark-ability* game mechanics* insiders: scarcity, exclusivity2. triggers* immediate word of mouth* ongoing word of mouth3. emotion* positive vs negative* high vs low arousal4. public* Social proof, Social influence, Observable, Behavior residue5. practical value6. stories08-28
25/50 of 2021. 理论凝练得非常有实操性。结尾从美国移民和职业之间关系来诠释STEPPS,有点出乎意料,但拔高了立意。语言真的是简单又高级!写作范文。11-11
核酸排队-3/23-3/29/2022) 1. Social Currency: 分享让自己牛逼:信息本身牛,游戏化,内幕感。2. Trigger: “每个托盘都需要蔬果”强于“过健康的生活”。找存在感强的trigger 3. 感情: 咳出病毒的传染病宣传图,谷歌的巴黎之恋(任何东西都能和强感情联系)4. Public: "i voted" 贴纸让私行为变公众,延长影响力。6. 故事: 特洛伊木马。花心思用故事包装想传递的信息,把故事设计得具有传播力,多层次。人们警惕强销售. 直白的理论不如个人故事,不易反驳。引子+段子生动+内容!一个好段子可以借势人群正在压抑的感情。穿线上赌场的疯子去奥运跳水,没人在意赌场,因为这不是故事的核心。 贵价牛肉三明治:把产品做到夸张,所以被谈起的就是核心信息。03-31
I like the book, a step further than made to stick. :)06-29
this is a great book for product design and marketing. it reveals the efforts behind the successful products, and the failure people went through in order to make the success.03-10