恰巧从Weinstein判刑23年的那一天开始,开始听之后non fiction有fiction一般的吸引力。这不仅是对#metoo标志性事件的忠实记录,更是对新闻的致敬。在这个反新闻的年代,所有人都应该读这本书,了解真正的credible media对truth的dedication。对于他们,truth exists and truth is scared. 不论在哪儿,当法律和政府失败,新闻工作者是公正最后的保护神,这个故事很好的证明了这一点。平权的路很长,但一人一份力,男权社会正在一点被掀翻。希望另外的不可言说的神秘力量也可以慢慢如此一点点改变,但我看不到希望。——written on the "Bloody Tuesday" for Journalism in China03-18
(audiobook3)“everyone wants companion, and understandably so”“journalists have stepped in when the system failed”很了不起的记者 有些部分感觉啰嗦 但从严谨来说也无可厚非 原来正规新闻不能直接爆还有这么多条条框框来保证reliability和validity01-23
Dr. Ford had me in tears.「She assumed Kavanaugh would be confirmed, as she always had. Her victory had been telling her story to the world with dignity, she said. Maybe that would make it easier for the next generation of victims to come forward.」09-26
finished in one sitting, an incredibly powerful investigation by some badass women. / 2016年十月 Trump Access Hollywood tape leak,2017年十月 Weinstein NYT article,2018年十月 Kavanaugh hearing。转眼又是十月,世界似乎变了很多,却什么也没变。糟糕的事情仍然在发生,司法仍然没有进步,She Said 的背后是许多受害者仍然无法发声,发声后仍然被攻击和羞辱。P.S. I hope there is a special place in hell for Lisa Bloom and people like her. 09-22
在一个有制度性保护free press的国家 调查记者work resiliently 受害者speak out bravely 才有了这场颠覆性的运动 "Journalists had stepped in when the system failed, but that wasn’t a permanent solution... the emergence of new information was just the beginning — of conversation, action, change." 为这种伟大的媒体人精神流泪。11-18