How can a black writer write about race without writing about sexuality? One of the most outstanding gay/bi classics in 20th century 03-06
Part 1宛如让人微醺的低度数鸡尾酒,Part 2叙事温度骤降,像冬天站在阳台上迎头吹冷风,醉意全醒。理解David的钥匙落在the fire next time中。作为美国白人,David无能面对现实,消极逃避,随波逐流,最终破罐破摔,成为精神上的死人,而Giovanni虽然最终同样走向毁灭,却对自己感受到的爱、恨和痛苦有着精确的把握。“It is the responsibility of free men to trust and to celebrate what is constant — birth, struggle, and death are constant, and so is love...” — the fire next time08-02
"I am the man, I suffered, I was there." 扉页惠特曼的这句话诠释整本书11-11
People who believe that they are strong-willed and the inasters of their destiny can only continue to believe this by becoming specialists in self-deception. In Paris you feel all the time gone by ,in New York all the time to come. 有些地方写得挺有意思的,特别是涉及到些许文化差异时的对白。02-19