3.5⭐️Really well crafted story, perfect for autumnal season. 故事从三个女性视角三个时代展开,1619,1942,2019。一个古老的巫女家族,三个来自这个家族的主人公们如何在女性权利被打压的大背景下反抗生存。三个故事里最喜欢1619的。说一下在意的点:a.三个时代表现女性受迫的手法都有用到abusive man character, r*pe,似乎时代没起到什么作用?b. 也跟时代有关,有些细节似乎有点不合逻辑,尤其是1942的线,那个时代了真会有贵族家庭教育女儿例假是monthly curse…?而且这条线去掉汽车跟男主去打仗的因素似乎说是18几几年也不奇怪…anyway总体还是一个很有potential的作家!10-15
I’d say it’s an interesting story in the first part, but sadly ended up with a boring ending. It’s quite obvious that the author had a great ambition on the female topic, while she seems to lack the capability to realize her ambition. The story relates few to the reality, remaining to be a normal fiction book on three women.12-26