FYS001 Chap 7 在读这本书,但真的是把索绪尔扯到Urban Studies, 用signifiers和符号学来theorize city, 这才是Firsr Year Seminar感觉不是很友好09-05
This is the first book I read In LSU. It changed my idea to the history. We make the history by the practice of everyday life. Based on post-structural theory, history was written by us, it is all about language rather than the events. The same events and materials may discovered and interpreted in different ways, now and in the future. It is a pro01-28
除了STRATEGY/TACTIC,最大收获是空间时间的转换,writing and body,以及对于TECHNOCRACY在现代城市建构中的反思。如果用前半部分作者批判福柯和布迪厄的逻辑来反观后半本书,感觉有一种文本本身的exteriority和otherness。12-27