I didn’t want to hide—especially from myself—their nature as incidental inventions, no different from those with which we daily react to the world we happen to live in.01-29
"Not sleeping took away the desire to live."看到这句心里哗哗流泪。不过每个话题都是轻轻一带,还是浅了。07-30
嗯……女性的通感 不分国籍年龄 细腻诚实 真诚的人都喜欢。好想收藏一份有她专栏的卫报啊!07-10
最喜欢publish is a choice, but write is always there, even when there are no tools for writing. 作者很关心女性议题,本科时候那个著名的关于作者是男是女的争论在这里似乎太过于水落石出了。不过总体而言由于篇幅限制都写得很浅,文字是真诚的,但不太有急智。11-21