The book is characterized by Michelle’s identity and abilities to evoke images through the smallest of details. Love can be complex yet difficult, and it is represented in many ways, especially food, through which man searches for a piece of home or themselves. Likewise, readers empathize with the author to echo ourselves. //感谢Jae Yeon Kim的推荐!09-12
「I feel like i am losing a part of my culture because of death.」It was like she was talking to me, to someone who has experienced loss...A pure and touching memoir.「A book to cherish, share and reread.」yes, it is.09-08
亞洲人最能理解這種食物承載一切的情緒,食物既能觸發情緒也能充當therapy。Chongmi是一個極為典型的韓國/東亞母親:精緻,嚴格,給人陣痛和愛,身為混血的Michelle總在懷疑自己的白人父親是否真的有Asian fetish,或許也是典型的Wasian心境。Japanese Breakfast成功了,她現在給Mitski開場(多希望有生之年我能再看見一次),和年少時崇拜過的Karen O對談,一定是因為媽媽在天堂踩著上帝的脖子要求他給Michelle好運吧。(在控血脂期讀這本格外煎熬,每天都想吃韓餐;以及恰逢她新專巡演,火速購買明年在倫敦的gig票,I’m having a major Japanese Breakfast Fever.)06-21
A moving commemoration of the author’s mother and the Korean half of her identity. The book serves as a great reminder to cherish your loved ones in life WHILE THEY ARE STILL ALIVE. No one in this world but those who truly love you would pay detailed attention to your idiosyncrasies and idiocy alike. Don’t feel too entitled; it’s not a birth right.08-31